Short Term Study Visa

The Short-term Study (English language) is an unsponsored route. Persons aged 16 and over can apply on this route to come to the UK for between 6 to 11 months to study with an English language course provider that is either an accredited institution, or has a student sponsor license. If you are coming to the UK to participate in an English language course that lasts for less than 6 months, apply for a Standard Visitor Visa instead. The bodies that can verify whether an institution is accredited in the UK are as follows:

If you are aged between 16-17 years old, you must have consent from a parent or guardian.

You must also have enough funds to reasonably support and accommodate yourself in the UK, and you also need to take a tuberculosis test if you have lived in a listed country in the 6 months prior to the date of application.

The earliest that you can apply, is 3 months before your course starts, and standard processing time is 15-business days for this visa.

For more information on our Short Term Study Visas, please get in contact where we would love to discuss how we could help you in your application.

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Student Visa

This route is for a person aged 16 or over who wants to study with a licensed sponsor on a course of further or higher education, a pre-sessional English course, a recognised foundation programme, or to take an elected post as a Student Union Sabbatical Officer.

Child Student Visa

This route is for a person aged between 4 and 17 who wants to study at an independent fee-paying school in the UK which holds a sponsor licence.

Short-term Study Visa

This route is for a person aged 16 and over who wants to study an English language course in the UK for between 6 and 11 months at an accredited institution.

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With years of experience working in UK immigration and British nationality law, our advisors can help you understand the process and take the right steps to obtain your visa. Get in touch today.